Explanation of Website Conversion Rate


digital marketing services in Visakhapatnam

What is the site conversion rate, meaning that when visitors visit the site, the site visitors into permanent customers, visitors can also be understood as the conversion to the user, whether it is SEO optimized website, or advertising in the auction, the initial results can only be introduced to visitors, temporary increase in site traffic, while the web site to do bigger and stronger, not only should lead visitors to enter, but also to visitors to stay, it is necessary to consider how to increase website conversion rate This is also the site identified the development of key strategies.

Now I will be the identity of visitors to the sites user experience analysis:

First off, the site speed google seo.

First of all, when visitors enter the site when the first feeling is the first site of the opening speed of response, if Shouye file is too large or the web server Pianman, open rate of more than 8 seconds, you are likely to lose the Fang Wen Yong Yuan users where you want to Note that selecting a high and stable server and website code, streamlining the design, the site can use Div + Css of the structure, enhance the site open rate.

Second off, the website image

Site image performance mainly reflected in the site as a whole meets the user experience, web Otherwise be small but, or else be large and comprehensive, web content is the key, to expand comprehensive site content, creating a beautiful simple web interface, web site clear interface and content clear so that the site landscaping degree, professional degree, degree of information are to be the best to improve the overall image of the site.

And third, the site useful

Site utility in the following points:

1, the site has customer contact, when the visitors are required, they did not know how, you can at any time customer service consulting services;

2, the site interactive capabilities to enhance the creation of user feedback, web forums, blog sites, such as interactive part, the visitors to interact together digital marketing services in Visakhapatnam.

3, as far as possible the design of user habits, the site features are applicable;

4, Site-level is reasonable, when the highlight outstanding level of the establishment of clear navigation

Internet marketing can only pull to flow, but the most important ways to improve the conversion rate, so that site users gradually accumulate, creating a competitive site.


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