Basic SEO Awareness of Website Design


digital marketing in visakhapatnam

You have to do much if you really want to apply SEO completely to operation and development of your site. A comprehensive SEO program will involve many aspects. But if you intend not to do so for the time being, some basic knowledge of SEO may also be able to help you solve some of the unnecessary trouble.

Website design shall be necessarily integrated into some Google SEO thought. But you also do not have to consider search engine optimization too much; the focus shall be user experience. Later you can complete a website with high-quality content to improve the search engine ranking and site weight.

Basic SEO awareness may involve the following:

1, Server / virtual host:

Try to buy a web hosting with relatively small number of websites. Too many sites on the server, then your site may be implicated by cheating sites. Another important issue is the stability of performance. Instability of a hosting will affect collection and ranking of your website Google SEO Services.

2, title of the page:

Each page should have its own unique title. Programmers can develop a function that can singly set titles, keywords and description of each page when they are developing programs.

3, do pages need to be static?

Both static URL and dynamic URL belong to URL optimization. As for whether the URL needs a static treatment, you shall decide according to the size of the site. There is no difference between the static state and not static state if it is a small site. If it is a large site, you shall staticize URL.

4, content editor

It is helpful for improving the weight of your site if you write some original articles according to your own products.

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