Analysis of Factors That Affect Google Ranking


Digital Marketing Services in Vizag

Google PageRank is the unique algorithm of search engine ranking. Its function is to a measure the degree of importance of a specific page to other pages in search engines. It was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the late 20th century. Page Rank value realized using the value concept of links as a factor of ranking.

The concept of Google Page Rank was to regard links of a page as votes.  This way could explain the importance of web pages and then determined search engine rankings of pages. At the beginning, this idea was perfect. But afterwards a search engine enthusiast discovered this loophole of search engines, and found a method to manipulate search engine rankings, which made Page Rank patent become less effective google seo.

To some extent, PageRank is like a user, which means that a specific page will be reached when clicking the link at random on the Internet. A page with more links will let PageRank algorithm think this website more important. Each Links to other pages increase the PageRank of this page. Pages with high PageRank are generally elevated through links of other pages.

Many seo Services are not recommended too much care about PageRank values. One main reason is the mainstream viewpoint of SEO considers that the effect of PageRank value on the algorithm of Google ranking has become increasingly low. The high-low of PageRank will not have any effect on search engine ranking.

If you want to view the PR value of your site, you can visit:, and download the toolbar of Google, you will see the PR value of your site.

PageRank value generally updates every 3 months, which means 1 year will update 4 times. But in the last two years, the update of Google PageRank appears to have no more rules to follow. It may update every 5-6 months if slowly, while it may update three times a month if fast. Just take the most recent update of PR value this year as an example:

1. PR value updates on July, 26th.

2. PR value finely update on August, 23th

3. PR value updates on September, 27th.

In the ranking algorithm of Google, PageRank is only one factor. Among the changes in recent years, a high PageRank value has not been helpful for a good search engine ranking. Even a good website with low PageRank value or no PageRank value will still get a good ranking of keywords.

Now, Digital Marketing Services in Vizag Service also takes into account the relevance of the link and the stability of links when designing the algorithm of search engines. Therefore, compared to the past algorithm, the algorithm of PageRank now becomes stricter.

But do not go into the misunderstanding of links. If you build too many spam links to improve the PageRank value, your site may suffer penalties of search engines. PageRank is widely considered to be a reliable factor of a site. In the system of Google search engine, PR algorithm is not the only ranking algorithm of Google, only because the PR algorithm was one of the people most familiar with. Other services on the ranking algorithms of web pages are:





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