13 Details of SEO to Increase User Experience


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The purpose of SEO is not just to improve the ranking, the more important is to increase user experience for webpage and website, which makes the design of website meet the habit of users more. Here are the 13 details collected to increase the user experience.

Friendly site navigation: Site navigation is very friendly and the site users to view and affect the operation. Users to a page each have a clear understanding of his current location, to know how to return to previous page or return home. Proposed multi-function use bread crumbs.

Significant directory and filename: too complex file directory and filename, and too deep directory hierarchy does not use search engine crawler to crawl a page, is not conducive to the memory of the viewer;

Page in a new window pops up less: I do not know why the Chinese always like a lot of pages in a new window to open a new page, so people are not like, take up a lot of computer resources do not say, but also affect the browsing speed;

Appropriate use of new technologies: new technologies, most only a few hands, there may be good or feature strong visual effects, but excessive use of new technologies mean that you will abandon the majority of users;

Page load time as small as possible: the page opens faster, the better, less than 10K page size can be reduced to no more than the 10K, page size to optimize re-optimization, code streamlining further streamlined;

Less flash and image: the right image and flash web sites can increase the effect, but too much flash and the picture is not only caused great website to download slow, is not conducive to search engine web crawler best digital marketing agency in vizag.

Page length of the medium: one page long, require the user to browse those non-stop drag was pretty boring thing, not to mention the majority of users only like to see the contents of the first two screens;

Necessary for interactive content: interactive allows users to better participate, express their love and feelings, or out of the web page search engine optimization tools are only just cold;

Clear and meaningful URLs link: meaningful URLs reasonably clear expression of goals linked to the page content and keywords, the best static display, is strictly prohibited to illegal links or dead links;

No malicious plug-in malicious pop: While many sites pop, many plug-ins, it is because they are too cow B, if you have the confidence to do so Sina cattle X, you can also use more, or not better;

No or little use of the framework i: the framework is not using search engines like;

Original content updated daily: Do not let your website visitors feel the wind stops a lot of useless full of outdated information or information that could be seen everywhere, not new content in the flood of information, users can not read , nor be interested in reading; adhere to daily updates, traffic, and users will continue to increase;

Page anchor text link to follow common forms: for example, most of the users think the current line of text is taken down to draw the link, youd better follow the form of better, more convenient to identify;

Of course, search engine optimization web page there are many details to note, here is sort out the general or ordinary page 13 need to pay attention to it, as long as we follow the basic considerations to enhance the user experience and not just for search engine optimizations will, I believe your site will become popular!


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